Create Theme

Ready to develop a theme. How can I rapidly set up my development environment and start coding?

Create and upload a new theme to Shopletzy using Shopletzy CLI and Dawn in this tutorial.

Creating a Theme with Shopletzy CLI

Step 1: Install @shopletzy/cli globally (if not already installed):
npm install -g @shopletzy/cli

Step 2: Create a New Theme
  • Open your terminal or command prompt.

  • Navigate to the directory where you want to create your theme.

  • Run the following command:

    shopletzy theme create
  • You’ll be prompted to enter the theme name (e.g., creamy-cones) and title (e.g., “Delights Creamy Cones”).

  • The theme will be created successfully, and you’ll receive a Theme ID (e.g., 5f53f74f-72e8-45cc-98ee-5a5c7b9f38a2).

Step 3: Find Theme Information
  • To view the theme ID and published versions, use:

    shopletzy theme list
Step 4: Local Development
  • Run the theme locally for development using

    shopletzy theme dev -s [store url]
  • Replace store url with the actual store URL.

Step 5: Upload Theme
  • To upload your theme, use the following command

    shopletzy theme upload -i [theme id] -v 0.0.1
  • Replace theme id with the Theme ID obtained earlier.

Step 6: Publish Theme
  • Once you’re ready to publish your theme, use

    shopletzy theme publish -i [theme id] -v 0.0.1
  • This will make your theme available for use in your Shopletzy store.

Step 6: Verify Theme Version
  • After publishing, check the theme version using

    shopletzy theme list
  • You can also preview the theme in your store URL.